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English translation for "edgar allan poe"

n. edgar allan poe (1809-49), american poet and writer of short stories
Example Sentences:
1.Edgar Allan Poe was an editor and contributor in 1839–40.
Edgar Allan Poe y collabore à partir de 1839.
2.It is named after the American writer Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849).
Il porte le nom de l’écrivain américain Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849).
3.Monkeybone (2001), saw Edgar Allan Poe IV return as his namesake again.
Monkeybone (2001), montrant Edgar Allan Poe IV vivant comme son homonyme.
4.Edgar Allan Poe, poet and writer, may have experienced bipolar disorder.
Edgar Allan Poe, poète et écrivain, peut avoir souffert d'un trouble bipolaire,,.
5.Edgar Allan Poe IV claims he is the great-great-great-grandnephew of Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar Allan Poe IV affirme qu'il est l'arrière-arrière-arrière-petit-neveu d'Edgar Allan Poe.
6.Edgar Allan Poe worked for the newspaper as a critic until February 1845.
Edgar Allan Poe y a occupé les fonctions de critique jusqu'en février 1845.
7.Edgar Allan Poe was hired as an editor and writer in February 1841.
Edgar Allan Poe est embauché comme rédacteur en chef et auteur en février 1841.
8.Son Edgar Allan Poe served as state Attorney General from 1907 to 1911.
Son fils Edgar Allan Poe est devenu procureur général de l'État de 1911 à 1915.
9.On October 3, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe in backroom of Ryan's inn and tavern, delirious.
Le 3 octobre 1849, Edgar Allan Poe est retrouvé dans la Ryan's inn and tavern, délirant.
10.Tales like those by Paul the Deacon, Edgar Allan Poe, and Jules Verne are entirely fictional.
Les histoires racontées par Paul Diacre, Edgar Allan Poe ou Jules Verne sont entièrement fictives.
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